Will County Courthouse Parking Lot


  • Public Sector


  • Local Government Engineering
  • Municipal Services


  • Will County, Illinois

Challenge: Will County is located in the northeastern part of the state of Illinois and is the fourth-most populous county in the state. The existing courthouse had become too small, inefficient, and costly to operate, and a new courthouse was approved in the County CIP plan.

Solution: As a sub-consultant to Wight and Company, HR Green provided a variety of site and infrastructure support services from design through construction. This included site topographic survey; design and construction administrative services for site elements involving utility design for water service (domestic and fire), sanitary sewer service, gas, and electric service coordination, stormwater management, erosion control, site grading, sallyport and loading dock detailed grading, and site layout, parking lot design, lighting, and security for the surface lot located south of Washington Street.

HR Green provided permit application and coordination services for the site component, including permits with numerous agencies such as the Illinois EPA, Illinois Department of Transportation, and City of Joliet. Our staff also provided street lighting design and construction administrative services for the Will County Courthouse perimeter and the related surface parking lot.

Benefit: The new courthouse aims to create a safer and more efficient building for employees, jurors, and the visiting public while providing space to accommodate future county growth.

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