State of Illinois (Office of Broadband) Feasibility Study


  • Public Sector
  • Public Utilities
  • State Agencies


  • Broadband
  • Public
  • Utilities + Cooperatives


  • State Broadband Office, Illinois

Challenge: The Illinois State Broadband Office is the entity that coordinates broadband grant dollars appropriated by the State of Illinois Legislature and from the Federal government. The Illinois State Broadband Office has people experienced in broadband funding and has several sources of data, but they needed a technical consultant in some specific areas.

Because the State of Illinois is so big and there is so much data, it is a challenge to know how to distribute the funds in ways that are the most efficient and have the most positive impact possible.

Solution: Working with State Broadband Office staff and consultants, HR Green formulated a process to move from data to the most needed options for broadband investment. Utilizing the tools HR Green has developed, we have been able to aggregate, summarize and display data from different sources. With a clearer picture of demand and supply needs, HR Green’s design team was able to engineer and cost options to provide a ranking of possible middle-mile segments.

Benefit: The information provided through HR Green’s and the State’s efforts will enable the Illinois State Broadband Office to take next steps in working with telecommunications providers and local sources to validate the segment ranking and fund middle-mile projects.

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