​Coralville's First Ave Corridor Reconstruction Integrates Multi-modal Solutions


  • Local Governments
  • Public Sector


  • Award Winning
  • Engineering
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Planning
  • Roadways + Interchanges
  • Traffic + Safety
  • Transportation
  • Transportation Planning


  • Coralville, Iowa

Challenge: First Avenue is a regionally significant corridor connecting I-80 with Coralville, Iowa City, and the University of Iowa, but lacked various pedestrian and roadway accommodations.

Solution: HR Green began studying the corridor in the late 1990s, recommending converting the four-lane, undivided corridor to a five-lane section with pedestrian accommodations on both sides of the roadway. Then, in the early 2000s, the redevelopment of an area locally known as the Iowa River Landing began, immediately east of First Avenue and south of I-80.

HR Green performed various traffic impact studies and street network planning studies that integrated multi-modal solutions, developed a pedestrian-friendly street network, and developed landscape architectural themes.

A Synchor/Simtraffic, traffic operations model, was developed for the entire First Avenue corridor and adjacent intersections to evaluate traffic signal progression and optimize the corridor improvements.

In addition, various pedestrian and roadway improvements were coordinated at several locations with a short-line railroad track owned by the Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railroad. The scope of the project included lighting design, landscape architecture, pavement treatment, corridor study, traffic impact study, pedestrian walkway, traffic signals, construction, hydraulics and hydrology, roadway design, and public outreach.

Benefit: The ​First Ave Corridor Reconstruction updated railroad and intersection geometry to optimize corridor movements while adding pedestrian accommodations and landscape theming to improve the aesthetics and safety along the corridor.

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