Shelby Asset Management
- Local Governments
- Public Utilities
- Comprehensive + Master Planning
- Engineering
- Planning
- Transportation
- Transportation Planning
- Water
- Water + Wastewater Planning
- Shelby, Iowa
As is the case in most cities, the City of Shelby has limited resources to invest in various infrastructure systems. Oftentimes, the systems compete for the same funding. In an effort to determine the appropriate level of funding for public improvements and the priority of the improvements, the City of Shelby worked with HR Green to develop an asset management plan and a capital improvement plan.
The City of Shelby owns and operates the following public infrastructure and recreational systems:
- Roads and bridges
- Sanitary sewer utility
- Water treatment and distribution utility
- Electricity distribution utility
- Parks and recreation/trails
In the initial phase of the Shelby Asset Management project, HR Green developed a detailed assessment of the existing conditions of the roads, water treatment and distribution system, and sanitary sewer system. The condition assessment involves gathering data on each system, including mapping, video records of underground infrastructure, maintenance records, and visual inspections. HR Green offers a unique combination of experience in both systems engineering and GIS, that is not only necessary for crafting the most comprehensive and cost-effective plan, but also for making the most well-informed decisions about the community’s systems moving forward.
The condition assessments will determine future improvements for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of various segments of each infrastructure system. Since the analysis is city-wide and evaluates all roadways and the major underground infrastructure under those roadways, the holistic approach of total asset management will yield improvements with the most benefit from a service and financial standpoint.
The overall findings of the assessment will provide the foundation for a Capital Improvement Plan for the next ten years. In addition to the Capital Improvement Plan, the valuation provides government accounting data to the City. HR Green brings additional strengths of geographic information system (GIS) integration with NASSCO (National Association of Sewer Service Companies) field inspections, ArcGIS Server implementation strategies and asset management, and expertise in water, wastewater, utilities, buildings, property, and roadway engineering and analysis.