
Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan: Taking On Zebra Mussels

December 19, 2018
Tree trunk covered with zebra mussels
Underwater freshwater close-up photography from a tree trunk covered with zebra mussel.

The zebra mussel, an aquatic invasive species (AIS), has made its way above Gavins Point Dam near Yankton and has rapidly increased its presence in Lewis and Clark Lake. One female mussel can produce a million eggs in one year, with the mussels attaching to infrastructure and watercraft while creating problems for fish and other life sharing the waters.

In the process, the rapidly-spreading mollusk has created concerns for Yankton’s water intakes, area irrigation, and regional tourism and recreation.

The growing problem prompted this week’s zebra mussel summit in Yankton. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and GFP sponsored the event, which drew more than 80 participants from various agencies and states.

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Article posted with permission from Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan

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